
The Special Collections of Elder Library (SCEL) at the Northwest Coast University has a vast collection of materials on the art, culture, and history of the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast region. The materials featured here focus on the mythology of the Tlingit and Haida people. Some of the books may feature content on other cultural groups along the Northwest Coast, such as the Eyak and Tsimshian peoples.

The Tlingit and Haida people are indigenous to Southeast Alaska and British Columbia. The myths and legends of these peoples are rich in detail and showcase their beliefs and values. Many stories feature the trickster known as Raven. Stories of tricksters are a common theme in many cultures. The myths and legends also tell of how things came to be, such as how the killer whale was created and how light was brought to the world. Many will find interest and fascination in these cultural myths and legends.

The books in this collection have been gradually added to the SCEL collections over the years. In 2013, SCEL decided to create a specific collection for books relating to Tlingit and Haida mythology. As there has been much interest in this collection, the SCEL decided to create this online exhibit of the materials. The exhibit debuted in May 2014. This is a growing collection and more books will continue to be added to the online exhibit.

The Tlingit & Haida Mythology Collection is also available at the Special Collections of Elder Library at the Northwest Coast University located at 123 University St, City, Washington. If interested in viewing this collection, please contact us.